15th Conference on Educational Assessment

Szeged, 6-8. April, 2017

MTA SZAB Székház

Review process

The proposals will be reviewed by at least two referees appointed by the Scientific Programme Committee. Referees review proposals by the criteria listed below. These criteria are applicable for all formats: the symposium presentations, the thematic papers and the posters as well. Different sets of criteria are applied to theoretical and empirical research and the summary of symposia. (When submitting their proposals, authors declare whether their work is theoretical or empirical.)
Theoretical proposal
  1. Embeddedness in the literature
  2. Discussion of theory
  3. Aspects of analysis and their relevance
  4. Originality
  5. Overall quality, structure and style
  6. Theoretical and empirical relevance
Empirical proposal
  1. Embeddedness in the literature
  2. Aims, research questions and hypotheses
  3. Research methodology
  4. Presentation and interpretation of results
  5. Overall quality, structure and style
  6. Theoretical and empirical relevance
Symposium summary
  1. Aims
  2. Coherence
  3. Overall quality, structure and style
  4. Theoretical and empirical relevance
The refereers will rate the proposals from 0 to 5 in each category. If there is more than a 10 point difference between the ratings, a third reviewer will be asked by the Scientific Programme Committee to evaluate the proposal.
Based on the evaluation of the referees, the Scientific Programme Committee defines the minimal acceptance scores for the theoretical and the empirical proposals, and makes the final decision. The decision may be: (1) accepted; (2) rejected; or (3) re-assigned to a different category.
If a proposal is rejected, it is not possible to change and re-submit it. Assignment to a different category means the re-direction of a paper in a symposium to a paper in a thematic session, or of a paper to a poster session. If the proposal is re-assigned, the author may decide against presenting their work. In this case, the conference organizers should be notified (pek2017@edu.u-szeged.hu).
Acceptance of a proposal does not automatically guarantee its inclusion of its abstract in the conference book of abstract. Abstracts are only published in the conference book of abstracts if the author pays the conference fees by the given deadline.





10th March - Decisions announcement
2017-02-10 18:46:13

Submission deadline extended

Submission deadline extended by 23rd January 2017, midnight.

2017-01-13 08:00:00
