Keynote speakers

Terezinha Nunes

Department of Education, University of Oxford

Terezinha Nunes is Professor of Education in the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Harris Manchester College. She started her career as a clinical psychologist in Brazil and moved on to research after obtaining a PhD in Psychology at City University of New York. Her research analyses how hearing and deaf children learn literacy and mathematics and considers cognitive and cultural issues. Her work on "street mathematics" in Brazil uncovered many features of children's and adults' informal mathematical knowledge and is regarded as a classic in mathematics education. Her current work on mathematical reasoning focuses on how children understand mathematical situations that involve random or non-random events. Her books include Street Mathematics, School Mathematics; Children Doing Mathematics, Teaching Mathematics to Deaf Children; Improving Literacy by Teaching Morphemes; and Children's Reading and Spelling: Beyond the First Steps. She also published books in Portuguese, which include An Introduction to Mathematics Education, a book that is regularly used in initial teacher education and professional development courses in Brazil and Portugal.

The assessment of quantitative reasoning in primary school

Keynote lecture

In this presentation, I will explore the theory that the basic units of quantitative mathematical reasoning are quantities, relations, numbers and operations. It is crucial for mathematical development that students' understanding of these units be coordinated so that they can solve mathematical problems. The theory will be applied to the assessment of mathematical problem solving in primary school through the presentation of items that focus on different aspects of quantitative reasoning and analyses of students' performance. Data from a large scale study of students aged 10-11 years in the UK will be presented to indicate how students deal differently with quantities and relations in problem solving.

Alex Kozulin

Feuerstein Institute, Jerusalem

Alex Kozulin is the Academic Director of International Research and Training at the Feuerstein Institute for the Enhancement of Learning Potential in Jerusalem, professor and head of graduate program in special education at Achva College, and an invited lecturer at Tel Aviv University. He taught at Boston University, was a visiting scholar at Harvard University, and a visiting professor at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa and University of Exeter in the UK. His books include: Vygotsky's Psychology: A Biography of Ideas, 1990; Psychological Tools: A Sociocultural Approach to Education, 1998; Experience of Mediated Learning: An Impact of Feuerstein’s Theory in Education and Psychology, 2000 (with Y.Rand); Vygotsky’s Educational Theory in Cultural Context, 2003 (with B.Gindis, V. Ageev, & S.Miller), and Rigorous Mathematical Thinking: Conceptual Formation in the Mathematics Classroom, 2008 (with J. Kinard). He is an editor of L. Vygotsky, Thought and Language (revised and expanded edition), 2012.

From the concept of ZPD to the practice of dynamic assessment

Keynote lecture

Though the notion of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is often presented as a theoretical basis of dynamic assessment, the theoretical scope of ZPD is much wider than the current practice of dynamic assessment. Vygotsky discussed the notion of ZPD in three different albeit interconnected contexts: developmental, educational, and assessment related. Vygotsky envisaged the notion of ZPD as applicable not only to such “pure” cognitive functions as perception, attention, and memory, but also to more complex cognitive processes associated with reading, writing, mathematical reasoning and so on. Historically the majority of dynamic assessment studies focused on a rather narrow task of demonstrating that this type of assessment helps minority children and children with special needs to reveal their “hidden” potential. As a result some potentially important applications of the ZPD theory remained neglected. One of them is a general distinction between an individual's current performance and his or her learning potential. Dynamic assessment allows us to see this difference not only in underachieving students but in all types of learners including high functioning children and adults. Another important question is that of modularity: Is learning potential a general trait of an individual, something like a learning equivalent of general intelligence score (G), or is it modular, dependent on modality and content of the tasks. Finally, the question is whether the ability to learn quickly from cues, models, and other prompts is distinct from cognitive modifiability that requires generalization and transfer. These issues will be illustrated by recent empirical results of dynamic assessment studies.


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CEA 2003-2013




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