Review process

Depending on the format and type of research report the proposals will be reviewed by at least two referees according to the following criteria:

  • Overall quality and scientific originality
  • Significance for theory, practice, and policy
  • Theoretical framework, conceptual rationale, pragmatic grounding
  • Clarity of definition of research questions and objectives
  • Research method and design (context, participants, data sources, sampling, procedure, ethical issues)
  • Quality, validity and appropriateness of analysis
  • Presentation of results
  • Interpretation of results (practical and theoretical relevance)
  • Organisation, structure and language of submission
  • Relevance to the Conference goals and themes
Please note that research reports shall be categorized into a format that is different from that of the proposal by the Scientific Programme Committee, i.e. symposium presentations shall be accepted as thematic papers and thematic papers as posters.


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CEA 2003-2013




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